Why Are Professional Website Vital For Small Business and Startup?
Lets us start with a simple question, What is a website? A website is a single domain that consists of different web pages on the World Wide Web. We should all know that by now, but surprisingly what we don’t all know, is the benefits a website can provide for your business and its shocking to witness how many businesses don’t actually have a website or online presence. If you have a business and don’t have a website, you are losing out on great opportunities for your business. A website itself can be used to accomplish many different marketing strategies to help your business grow. As a business owner, you need to know where your consumers are. But what if consumers know your business and what you can offer, but they can’t reach you? That is one of the risks you take by not having a website for your business.
A business website gives your business legitimacy:
People expect businesses to have their own websites, just as they used to expect businesses to have a real physical business address. Not having a business website raises questions in customers’ eyes. Are you a technological Luddite? Just still haven’t gotten around to it? Or such a shoestring startup that you can’t even afford to do this? All things you don’t want people thinking about your business.
A business website gives you another marketing channel:
Having a business website gives you an automatic online presence. Think of it as an online billboard. Instantly you have another chance to introduce people to your products and services and another way for people to find you. (Of course, how many eyes your billboard attracts will depend on your conscious marketing efforts to get people’s attention, such as Search Engine Optimization, blogging, using social media, and online advertising.)
A business website gives you another opportunity for data collection/lead generation:
For instance, getting people to write their email addresses on pieces of paper and handing them in at a physical storefront is hard. But getting people to type their email address into a box on a website is much, much easier – especially if they perceive that they’re getting something for it, such as a newsletter, a special report or an ebook. And once you have the email address, you have another way to reach your potential customer.
Contact us to get free 15 min consultation on how to plan for your website or e-commerce store.